Sunday, 16 October 2011

What lovely teeth you have my dear!

She's teething. Badly. You can tell from her big red cheeks and the constant yomping on her fingers. Oh yes, she's also keeping me and her mum up for hours on end in the wee hours for the last week. It feels like it did in the first 3 or 4 months, that feeling of not quite getting enough sleep. Even with a full 8 hours (rare anyway) you just don't get quite enough sleep. You know you're not 100% in any part of your life because of it but you just have to get on with it.

Her first tooth came through at about 6 months. It was at the front on the bottom. It stayed there on its lonesome for about a month before the top two front ones came along. She was fine, not a bother. A little frozen cucumber to ease the pain and she was happy. Night times were ok, the odd night of interruption because of teeth but we were still feeding overnight at that stage (that's another story altogether). She stayed with 3 teeth for another two months, the second front bottom tooth stubbornly refusing to grow. Eventually it came and there's been a stready stream of teeth since. She has 12 now I think.

This week or so she's been particularly cranky because of her teeth. We're trying our best to minimise the pain for her during this and we know it's not going to last forever but its tough when she has those rare days when she's just not in great form, not eating much and not sleeping enough.

If you have any tricks that work for teething i'd be delighted to hear. Our arsenal includes the frozen cucumber which works brilliantly for the minor teeth but doesn't seem to do much for the canines or the molars. Teethers never held any interest for her and we don't like resorting to calpol unless we have to.

Suggestions gratefully received...please!!!

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