Monday 21 November 2011

Puppy or child?

Thanks for your comments Melbourne Man. Nice to see I have an international audience. On swimming – yes I think we’ll try again but I’ll let her forget her last experience first. She's now afraid of the bath as well...

You raised an important question about whether the decision (I could have used commitment here but I think there’s a difference - making the decision is wholly different from realising what you’ve committed to and the former comes way before your realise the latter!) to have a child outweighs the other needs in our lives that consume our time and money. What do I get out of it and is it worth it? That’s difficult to define and I’m not going to try. I guess you’ll know yourself if you make that decision and go down that road. The only thing I’ll say is that yes it is worth it. I still refuse to let go of all the things I enjoy just because I have a child. I still enjoy these things, only less often, and eventually I hope my daughter will enjoy them to. Things are just different. I have to plan more, I have less money and time and I always need more sleep. I’m not expecting that to change anytime soon.

Why can't you have a puppy and a child and the odd international adventure? I reckon you can.

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