Wednesday 2 November 2011

Reflections and Memories

I have my first feedback this week which is exciting. People are actually reading this blog which is a relief. Some interesting comments from War and Smiris (thank you!) which prompted some thought on my part.

Smiris made the comment about how I’m going to have some wonderful memories. I have some amazing memories of the last 15 months already although some of it seems as if it happened to someone else. It used to feel like one long sleepless night but now I can reflect a little and remember those little moments of my new family history. This blog is something that I can show my daughter when she grows up. My wife has kept a dairy since our daughter was born and I always recognised the potential importance of that if we had another child but I never really considered, until now, how this blog might serve a purpose later on. This could be something really valuable to show my daughter when she’s old enough. To teach her maybe a little about what she and I were like when she was a young child. This record of the last year will be hers to keep forever if she wants it.

I was in War’s place once. Thoughts of fatherhood never at the front. Made me think of all those books you’re supposed to read on fatherhood and the first year. I tried and failed to read these much to my wife’s annoyance. I think they’re all well intentioned but there’s nothing like just getting on with it. Most the time you learn but just doing and you learn not to worry about whether you’re doing things the right way.

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